Regional group
Latin America
and the Caribbean
Three migratory patterns have prevailed in the region: extra-regional emigration, overseas immigration and intraregional exchanges. While intra-regional exchanges have increased, international migratory flows have greatly diversified. The following areas pose challenges to guaranteeing the right to education of people on the move in the region: regulatory frameworks, migratory status, documentation and access to the education system, planning and management of education systems, educational inclusion and recognition of studies, degrees and diplomas.

International Coordination Mechanisms
Sources:Buenas prácticas de inclusión educativa de personas migrantes
Author: UNESCO IIEP Buenos Aires, Oficina para América Latina; Education Cannot Wait; United Nations Children's Fund
Year of publication: 2021
Investigación sobre educación y movilidad en Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, México, y República Dominicana.
Author: Carolina Stefoni.
Institution: OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.
Non published.