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the project


Education & Mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean

This platform is part of the Regional Strategy for UNESCO's response to the situation of people on the move, 2019-2021. It is a space for visualization and exchange of information, knowledge and survey of educational policies aimed at guaranteeing the right to education of people in mobility contexts.

The platform is implemented in coordination with the Quito Process, the Regional Education Group and the Education and Human Mobility Working Group, made up of technical and professional teams from the Ministries of Education of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru.


The main goal of the monitoring framework is to provide periodic, relevant and comparable information that facilitates:

  • Knowledge and monitoring of the educational situation of students on the move in the region in relation to the fulfillment of their right to education.
  • Consolidating a space for knowledge, diagnosis and support for the formulation and implementation of educational policies aimed at guaranteeing the right to education of people on the move that is based on evidence.
  • Providing visibility to good practices for the educational inclusion of people on the move that have been implemented by Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations in the region.
  • Contributing to the monitoring of SDG4 in the region with information on the educational situation of students on the move.
  • Establishing a dialogue on the criteria for the identification and comparability of indicators that allows for having comparable regional indicators.


The significant increase in intra-regional mobility, the progressive transformation of the origin of people on the move and the presence of massive displacement flows have posed significant challenges for the States of Latin America and the Caribbean in guaranteeing the right to education. A regional monitoring framework appears as a great opportunity for the region to accurately show the efforts and results of the national educational policy actions undertaken to respond to the educational situations and needs of people on the move.

However, the right to education is much broader than "everyone in school". The right to education not only guarantees the right to "access to education", but also demands the fulfillment of the right "in education". It is clear that it is not enough to know how many children and young people in a situation of mobility have access to the educational system; it is also necessary to have information on the conditions of their educational insertion and evolution. In this sense, a regional monitoring framework is also a fundamental tool for strengthening educational policy processes aimed at the full educational inclusion of this group of people.

The implementation of the monitoring framework will be gradual and will be the responsibility of OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, in coordination with education specialists from UNESCO offices in the region, specialists from Ministries of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, and other partners. This framework adopts the norms and technical recommendations for the construction of indicators defined by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and other agencies specialized in migration, and is based on and supported by coordinated work with the countries of the region.


Participating countries

Anguila, British West Indies

Ministry of Social Development, Education & Library

Antigua and Barbuda

Ministry of Education, Sports and Creative Industries


Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Argentina


Ministry of Education, Science and Technology


Ministério da Educação


Ministerio de Educación de Chile


Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia

Costa Rica

Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica


Ministerio de Educación de la República de Cuba


Ministerio di Enseñansa, Siensia, Kultura & Deporte


Ministerio Educación de Ecuador

El Salvador

Ministerio de Educación de El Salvador


Ministry of Education, Guyana


Secretaría de Educación Honduras

British Virgin Islands

Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture


Secretaría de Educación Pública


Ministerio de Educación de la República de Nicaragua


Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias - Paraguay


Ministerio de Educación del Perú

Dominican Republic

Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana

St. Maarten

Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport



Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Uruguay

Strategic partners